Lynn and I went to see Sound of Freedom this afternoon.
I normally shy away from movies about abuse of women or children; I simply have no stomach for it.
But Jim Caviezel’s winsome request to see it changed my mind.
Lynn already wanted to see it, and she is in fact reading several novels on the topic.
If you don’t know, the story is about a federal agent, Tim Ballard, who quit his job and worked with Columbian police to free well over a hundred children from sex slavery and also to arrest the traffickers.
I started crying from the outset, the second I saw the children who I knew would be kidnapped and trafficked in the movie. Fortunately, there were not graphic scenes at all, though the abuse was evident enough. I shed tears throughout though.
Though the movie is not overtly Christian, the theme phrase “God’s children are not for sale,” and the quotation of Matthew 18:6 were strong enough. When Tim Ballard (Caviezel) quoted this verse to a child trafficker, he got a quizzical, “what are you talking about?”
A bit of pure irony.
The plot was driven by the plight of these children (with a focus on a Honduran brother and sister) who were stolen and used again and again and would likely never see their families again as time went on. Tim Ballard, with the encouragement of his wife, always kept his own kids in mind as he did whatever he could to bring other children to freedom.
Jim Caviezel has long been a sort of crusader for truth. In this movie his passion for these children was like a torrent in every scene. Moreover, every actor in the movie consummately played their part of good or despicable evil. I expect many of them had a difficult time with their roles.
At the end of the initial movie credits, Caviezel gives stats on world-wide child sex slavery, driven so much by “customers” from the US, but many other places as well. Many billions of dollars change hands every year at the expense of innocent children of God who are in every way like our daughters and sons.
Evil multiplied beyond comprehension.
If nothing else going to see this movie will open your eyes and help you to pray or get involved how you can. Lord help us all.
Very good movie. They are going after Tim Ballard. He had to step down due to accusations of misconduct and is being sued by the woman who was luring the kids. They are also during Angel Studios.