One year ago I published my first post on this Substack entitled Peace and Swords. In that time I have written 72 posts on the Sermon on the Mount, my trip to Israel with friends, and now the Book of Revelation.
Over that time subscriptions have over doubled to 125 subscribers, 23 of which are paid (thank you!).
About 60% percent of you read my posts on average—though I’m not sure if it is the same 60%—and posts are usually viewed 180 or more times (with a high of 292 times for my post “Seven Myths about the Book of Revelation”).
So first, thank you to all who have stayed with me and my particular approach to the Word of God.
Knowing that you are reading and thinking and learning from my efforts is tremendously gratifying and motivating.
Of course staying in the Word of God is motivating in itself and I have grown quite a bit in my own understanding of the Bible and hopefully in my walk with Jesus. (cont.)
In Plain Sight is a subscriber supported publication. If you appreciate the content and insights of this Substack, please consider a paid subscription. Subscribers receive additional material at the end of most posts with more subscriber only material to come.
My desire from the time I conceived of In Plain Sight fourteen months ago was to present solid Biblical interpretation that looked beyond the ordinary approaches by looking again at every passage anew and refusing to accept the status quo translations or interpretations.
I believe that a close reading of the Greek or Hebrew texts without any prior assumptions of what that text means helps to reach back past so many interpretations that are colored by tradition to its true intent.
I have no illusions that everything I say is right on the money, but I have been continually surprised at the bias I see in many translations and interpretations that side step the radical message of the gospel or place a grid over Scripture that bends Scripture to the grid (as so much Revelation interpretation does).
I believe that the Bible needs to be set out as literally as possible using the whole gamut of resources available to get at the heart of its meaning and intention. Not that the Bible is always literal, as my last post showed, but that the translations need to be clear and the interpretation in line with type of text being interpreted.
At bottom line, I am seeking the truth about Scripture, about God, and about us humans that does not cover up anything.
I believe that seeking this truth will be one small part of helping the people of God to remain faithful and to live out this life as Kingdom people, “priests for God,” unafraid whatever may come because the light of God is shining in the world to show what is true and what is lie.
Although some of my posts do get deep in the weeds of interpretation, my hope is that everything I write is compelling and understandable in plain language. To a number of you who have occasionally given me feedback, I am grateful—and I am always open to any comments you have or questions about the content or the style.
I want to communicate as clearly as possible.
One thing I would love to see is engagement in the comments section, either in agreement or questions or disagreement. I do not presume to have all the answers and I am always learning from the push-back of others.
No comment will every offend me, but will push me back into the Bible to think things through again!
I am looking to at least double the readership again in the next year, and hopefully many more. If you think someone you know would like or benefit from In Plain Sight, please pass along a recommendation.
And of course upgrading to a paid subscription is always welcome. The income is not much, but every bit helps.
Going forward I plan to continue the journey through the book of Revelation, but with occasional other posts, especially when I travel. At this rate Revelation may take a couple of years, but that’s ok. I’d rather be thorough than to rush through.
My Bible posts usually take about a week to fully gestate, so one a week will be the usual (and I’ve heard that more often is overwhelming for some of you).
So again THANK YOU! May the Lord bless you all richly.
Jackson Painter
Jack, your posts have enriched my Christian life and my understanding of the Bible for my daily living.
Thank you and I pray as you continue In Plain Sight other lives will be as enriched as mine has been.
Dr. Painter, Bravo!